hand knotted rugs

Oriental countries are known by the hand knotted rugs, in those countries it is a common and popular habit to get involved into making the most beautiful hand knotted rugs with an unmatched beauty which reflects the skill of the oriental rug maker,The skill of his hands and the beauty of his thoughts.

In hand knotted rugs we are impressed by the wonderful life pictures written on those rugs, the culture and the history of those countries are the main inspirer of the rug maker. While the makers of hand knotted rugs have not been in any school art, but have simply inspired their art from their culture, their fabrics show
unrivalled artistic qualities, which add beauty and elegance to our homes.

These people seem to have an intuitive perception of the beautiful, which, followed out in this work has made their hand knotted rugs the admiration of every one. It happens all the time to stand lost in admiration in front of many oriental rugs, and would read, if we could, the thoughts written thereon.

Each rug is the expression of an individual, in this work of hand we can easily discover all the colour of the rug maker life, his pain, his dreams, his love to his home, to his family, and we can see the reflection of his culture. With no doubt that ,the rug made for the hour of prayer, should contain inspired thoughts of holy to the prayer ,or the one intended for decorating the living room must express something of greeting which reflects the generosity of the house owner; the fabric designed to express a wild life must have had the ideas and patterns selected with the constant thought of the nature beauty in mind.